Friday, October 22, 2010

if you don't have one...get one

Its been several months since I have stepped foot into the gym.  This is not like me at all.  I LOVE working out!  I feel so much better about myself, I feel like I have SO much energy, and it doesn't hurt that my pants seem to fit a little better either..ladies you all know what I'm talking about. Going to the gym, running, or participating in any type of physical activity has been part of my life since I can remember, however these past six months I completely feel off the wagon.  It was a very slow fall, and touch and go at times, but eventually I was completely gone.  Then of course not going to the gym combined with the summer parties of wonderful eats and treats I slowly started to gain a couple of pounds...I would like to say only a couple, but lets be real...almost 10lbs!!!  Which is something that I did NOT want to do at all.  Isn't it funny how one bad decision leads to another, and another, and another until Satan has gotten you down on the ground, unmotivated and without any energy to fight back?  I know I'm only talking about my weight and commitment to the gym but Satan gets one little foothold and keeps going.

I would like to say my motivation just came back to me, but it took my 76 year old NaNa (who I love dearly) to whip me into shape!  She has been attending water aerobics two times a week and loves it.  She talks about how much better she feels and how she is starting to lose some pounds!  I thought if my 76 year old NaNa can do it...then so can I!!  Sometimes it takes someone encouraging you to get you out of that slump that Satan has put you in.  

Not only do I have people in my life that are not close (in distance) who hold me accountable, but I also have people that I see on a regular basis that hold me accountable for my actions.  I know, I know going to the gym isn't a huge issue, but in my life it is.  It starts out by me not feeling good about myself, then I become very self conscious, and then I get a little depressed...who knows how far it could really go.  That's how it can be with any issue in your life, spending time with the Lord, going to church, working out, smoking, fill in the blank.  It always starts out slowly but before you know it you've completely fallen off the wagon.  My challenge for you is to find that person in your life that you can trust to hold you accountable and if you have that person make sure your making time to meet and talk with them.  My accountability partners are such a huge blessing in my life, and I know they will be in yours too!

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